Love, Peace, and Hippiness


Dance like nobody is watching


Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food

Hi!  My name is Krista...I'm so happy you're here!  

Health is my passion...I hope that you can find things on my website that will benefit you and/or your family's life. If I can help just one person with my years of searching through things that don't work and finding what does work, it's all worth it to me. Some links on here that I share with you I get a part of for sharing them with you, some of them I don't... all of them I share because I love them & I care about you & your health.

I started my health journey really young and could feel the passion for it inside of me. I remember being fascinated watching my mom make tea and going to Wilma's Health store she had in her basement...the smell and the energy was amazing. I remember going to my mom's Jazzercise class, riding my bike on the side of her on her walk, and later walking with her on our 4 mile route. I remember deciding at about age 12 that I was going to figure out how to stay young and healthy all my life, although I really had no clue what that looked like.  What is health anyway? Is it just what you put in your body? I think it's much more.  I began in 1998 on the outside body when one day I was cleaning the bathroom and was making sure I rinsed the bathtub out really good, and the thought came to me.....why am I using this toxic stuff to clean my bathrooms if I have to be so careful to not let my kids take a bath in it? That's when I started changing the cleaners and body products that I use. It seemed very overwhelming & so confusing. I'm here to tell you that you can do it.  Make one or two changes at a time, perfect those and add more. I believe that health isn't just what you eat & drink it's about the outside body, your thoughts, who and what you surround yourself with, what you listen to, watch, and read.  

When I was older, my dream was to have a health store. In 2009, that dream became a reality and I had a small store off the entrance of my house for three years. I have decided to recreate my website, and share healthy recipes, ideas, information, and things I love. Health is my passion & I hope you will find things on here for a better heathier life. I have had 9 babies including twins. I'm here to help you on your journey to be or stay healthy, to remember who you are, and to remind how amazing you are if you've forgotten your worth, or just need a reminder. Let's create a healthier world starting with a healthier you & me.

***The information on my site are things that work for me, always do your own research & listen to your body and what is right for you.

This is the bathtub I was cleaning out in 1998 & how old my two boys were when it occurred to me that I wanted to use natural products... Do you and/or your babies deserve the best?  I think so.  

💛My biggest inspiration that was way ahead of time in the health things she taught me, my mom. She always told me one of the best things I can do for my family was to feed them healthy food. She's the reason I was inspired at such an early age to love health. She did her best at a time it was not easy & the information available to us now was not there. 

💛One of my first inspirations & the reason I knew it was possible to successfully have a health store in my home... never underestimate the impression you make on people... when you live your passion, you inspire others to live theirs.